Thursday, February 11, 2016


Hamilton Room, Central Branch, Hamilton Public Library
People often speak of how well a male writer has written his female characters, and vice versa.  But how limited are we by our gender?  Is gender itself real?  If it is, can we tell whether the book we are reading was written by a man or by a woman?  There will be a test....
Bernadette Rule has edited numerous books, most recently Brought to Light: More Stories of Forgotten Women (Seraphim Editions, 2015).  She won the poetry prize at the Eden Mills Writers' Festival back when they had one, and has won Hamilton's Short Works Prize for both poetry (2015) and literary non-fiction (2014). Rule's seventh collection of poetry, Earth Day in Leith Churchyard: Poems in Search of Tom Thomson, was published this fall by Seraphim Editions. She taught English at Mohawk College, and creative writing in the Writing Certificate Program at McMaster. She also hosts Art Waves, a weekly arts-interview program on Mohawk radio. Art Waves is podcast at

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