Friday, May 18, 2012


JUNE 10, 7.30-.9.00p.m.
Homegrown Hamilton, 27 King William Street
NORMAN BROWN leads in a two-part interactive session designed to provoke heated debate, deep thought and mild enthusiasm in a format that tends to be very non-threatening, friendly and comfortable for anyone of any level of poetic understanding.
Norman had his education in many universities including one in North Carolina and one in the U.K. He was a community college professor and a secondary school teacher for 33 years. He also taught behavioural and learning disabled students. He has been involved in amateur theatre for 21 years. He is the owner of Norman Brown Photography and was a past president of Tower Poetry Society in Hamilton

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Playwriting and Poetry: Variations and Similarities

MAY 13 7.30p.m. to 9p.m. at Homegrown Hamilton, 27 King William Street.
Award winning writers John Terpstra and Stephen Near will co-host a discussion  on their approaches and challenges in writing fiction, poetry and plays.