Sunday, April 17, 2011


TUES MAY10 7.30p.m - 9p.m. Bread & Roses Cafe, Sky Dragon Centre, 27 King william Street, Hamilton.
CHRIS PANNELL gives us an insight into a life on work, writing and more.
Chris Pannell is part of the organizing committee for the Hamilton reading series Lit Live and also serves on the board of Hamilton’s annual gritLiT literary festival. He is a former Treasurer of the Kairos Literary Society, a former Chair of the HARAC Literary Committee, and a former board member of Hamilton Artists Inc.

He has published three poetry books Drive (2009), Under Old Stars (2002) and Sorry I Spent Your Poem (1999). In 2010 Drive won both the Acorn-Plantos People’s Poetry Prize and the Arts Hamilton Poetry Book of the Year. Pannell is also the author of a set of three poetry broadsheets entitled Fractures, Subluxations and Dislocations which won the Hamilton & Region Arts Council poetry book award in 1997.

In 2009 he appeared at Wordfest, the Banff-Calgary International Literary Festival, In 2010, he read at the Authors at Harbourfront Series in Toronto and also at the University of Prince Edward Island. For over fifteen years he has been an active promoter of poetry and creative writing through workshops and public readings, at which he has appeared across Canada and in England.

From 1993 until 2005 he ran the new writing workshop at Hamilton Artists Inc. and edited two book-length anthologies from the group, Your Baggage is in Buffalo and Between a Dock and a High Place. In the fall of 2009 he restarted the new writing workshop and continues to run it to the present day. His poems and articles have been published in many Canadian literary magazines and in England too.